While I was trying to create cards for the kiddos this past week, and their fun flyer, I taught myself how to make clip art! ITS SO FUN!!
Anyway, Valentine's Day is Thursday and we will be having some snacks and having a little "Dance" in our room. Organized dancing, like the cupid shuffle, some exercising, and some fun songs I know the kiddos really like. If you would like to send in some goodies, please feel free to do so-email me so we don't have duplicates- mrsbensonsbunch@gmail.com
I have some great things to add to this post, we made omelets (well scrambled eggs and cheese, I'm no chef) and it was YUMMY! We will be writing HOW TO essays, how to paint your finger nails, and how to build with Legos, always a great way to do writing. So there will be plenty of pics and writing this week.
We are learning about Volcanoes this week so there will be some messy days creating a volcano and erupting it!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!? (Yes, I am crazy and will be using paper mache and a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to make LAVA.)
**On another note- our kiddos have been a little out of sorts lately. They are not remembering their manners when others are speaking, listening, and are blurting out whatever they want at a most inopportune time. Please remind them that having manners in school is imperative, or they will have to meet the classroom consequences by flipping their behavior cards. This may mean phone calls home and removal from all extra (fun) activities planned.**
We have jump rope for heart on Friday, and 100th day activities this week too. WOW we are busy!!!
Check back for the link to book reports, hopefully they are all done and ready to start, I will be showing the proper procedure this week during Guided Reading.
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