Monday, September 28, 2015

Permission Slip, Coupon Book, and HOmewoRK!

Hello Everyone!
Just a note to let you know we are still missing a few permission slips. If you haven't already signed and returned the slip please do so ASAP.
Save ARound Coupon Books will be coming home today.  PLEASE BUY or SELL  at least one coupon book to put the money towards our activities throughout the year.
Pencil SALE!!! We have pens, pencils, and erasers for sale in the cafe next week.  5th Graders will be selling them to put towards their end of year activities.  They will range from $1 to $3 items.

Character and Cause and Effect... (if its really hard just write a note, character is review, cause and effect is reinforcement from lessons today. Notes are in their binder to help)